Saturday, June 26, 2010

Preparing for Change

No matter what change means to any single individual, finding a reason to believe is essential to knowing how to respond to change. Change is the constant upon which Universal Law operates. How one prepares for it depends upon what one perceives is required. This is different for each one of us. Doing nothing is not an option. So my advice is open your mind to ALL that is around you at the present time, and come to your own conclusion of what the requirements are.


Anonymous said...

I knew Elwood...he was my Godfather. Lots of wonderful experiences, reading and conversations. I miss him. He was an unusually gifted and kind man.

Fine Art Investing said...

Cool Blog and I would love to read your book.
Oh, and Dennis Schleicher told me to buy your book. What a sales man he is!!! Great Guy.

Leonard D. DeMaio Author of; The Artful Dodger

Michael said...

I knew him also briefly. This is my assessment from the book. "In the brief time I knew him, the best thing I could say about Elwood was he was light of heart, bore no grudges, was on no crusades, and was beholding to no doctrine. He appeared to be his own man and was proud of it, and conducted his affairs accordingly as far as I observed. Thus I perceived him to be more the genuine human being who just wanted to live and let live than the New Age Icon he was perceived to be his admirers".
Thanks for the note -- God child.

Michael said...

To fine Art investing,
Listen to Dennis... he is wise in these matters. No matterv what hapens this book just may ensure your quality of life.