"A remarkable work of prophetic imagery, biography, and social history as Michael L. Kilday shows us a critical analysis of TRUTH. You need to buy this book for all your friends, family, as anyone and everyone you know will be discussing the possibilities presented. --Dennis J. Schleicher, best-selling author and counselor http://www.otherman.typepad.com/
"Anyone who has ever questioned whether or not prophecy is relevant needs to read this book before deciding. --Dan Uitti, Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association President" http://www.aboutcapa.com/
"Mr. Kilday approaches the subject of Earth Changes like a CSI would approach the study of forensic science. He amasses the evidence, examines it without bias, and comes to a conclusion based upon the evidence. --Jerry Labriola, M.D., mystery writer and forensic lecturer" http://www.jerrylabriola.com/
Tell Mike what you think of his book?
Meteorites hitting us, solar flares, volcanos, wars, etc. Frankly, I didn't know what to believe? On one hand, are the elite protecting their hides from future disasters by building underground cities, or, on the other hand, was it all made-up to create fear, scare tactics to divert attention from something else?
The future and the message
Michael Kilday's book, Truth Never Changes-Earth Changes gave me the big picture of what the whole thing is about. It's not a pretty picture. but enough to make me believe that something ominous is on the horizon. Rarely does anyone get a chance to see the whole meaning of anything, yet, that is precisely what Kilday does in his book.
Also, Kilday suggests in his book, by raising our consciousness through belief, we may be able to change probable future occurrences to avoid future calamities. Kilday admits his findings, in this regard, do not come from within him, but flow naturally from his research and writings. I found it uncanny how the ideas dovetail logically from the message of the book.
The book is a bit scary because it is so believable. The fear may be a small price to pay especially if it moves us to action, and I think it will. Kilday, as a messenger, brings light to knowledge that is generally not known, and he is always intellectually honest. For that reason, I heartily recommend his book.
If enough people read this book, it could make a difference in the future; the book is that important.
Joseph F. Keeney (Monroe, Connecticut)http://www.brandnewteacher.com/
"This is a most interesting book that with each reading reveals new thoughts and questions and inspires creative thinking. It will occupy your thoughts long after you put the book down."
William Muttart, CAPA member and author of One Hundred Eleven Questions and Answers Concerning the Pilgrims.
This book is a tour de force, well written, well thought out, well articulated. Reading your book was refreshing and enlightening, very well done, congratulations.
For the record,however, there is one thing I would take issue with, space colonialization.
As you may know, I like acronymns, and one of my intellectual heroes, Dr Timothy Leary, had a couple I really like.
SMIILE, Space Migration, Intelligence Increase and Life Extension as the destiny of humankind and HOME, High Orbiting Mobile Earths, or Space Colonies as our logical, long term future.
Other than that, I am with you 100%, and would like to assist in any way I can.
You have inspired me to update my book, " Jewel in the Wake: The Millennium Guide to the Global Transformation."
Arthur J Berman
Lifecoach of personal and global transformation
"Be ready for 2012"
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